DZGN featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


Procedural Flowers

Procedural Flowers is a CGI illustration series, capturing nature's complexity via Cinema 4D, Octane Render, and Photoshop. It explores intricate, limitless flower formations through procedural generation, offering realism and depth with photorealistic rendering. The final images, enhanced with Photoshop, present a unique, captivating aesthetic.

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B. League All-Star Game 2023

B. League is Japan's premier basketball league. Op art is an abstract painting calculated to create a special visual effect. Each square depicts a visual image related to basketball, as well as buildings and landmarks that symbolize Mito, the host city. The animation is so dynamic that the eye cannot keep up. The audience was drawn into an exciting immersive experience. The level of basketball in Japan has evolved dramatically in recent years, and the league has seen a dramatic increase in attendance, as well as the demand for high quality in key art and venue production.

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2021 Kids Channel Ident Promo

Children's imagination is always wonderfully endless. Therefore, in terms of expression, designers also mix various rich creative media and cleverly connect each style and the intersection of imagination and reality with the playful voices of children. They deliberately let the toy plane originally made by children take off in the real environment as if it has come to life, breaking the boundaries between reality and imagination, symbolizing the spirit of children's channels that always makes the imagination come true.

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Beoplay Portal

It is a campaign to promote its Beoplay Portal headphones. The streamers shared the production to make it go viral. Under the claim Sound that shapes your world, they had to create 5 scenarios alluding to categories of the video game industry. In addition to having a great visual impact, the experience was elevated to a competition for the location of fetish objects hidden in each frame. The team was faced with a multi-scenario design in which the protagonist was the product and the experience of using it.

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Epichust smart workshop operation platform is an intelligent production line operation platform with AI and IoT technology as the cornerstone. In this platform, users can further split the production view into multiple views such as planning, logistics, order execution, equipment and more, providing clear expressions for the presentation of complex indicators. At the same time, the system can realize intelligent scheduling based on production process information and improve the efficiency of closed loop from problem discovery to solution.

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The Storyteller

The Storyteller goal is to become an augmented immersive and personal, intimist experience, through a vessel that must be held in one’s hand, fully appreciated upon glancing and handling, feeling the frosted and clear textures, the gold trims and knurl, and ultimately the obsidian details of the closure, in what is a fully sensorial and experiential bottle design. All the remaining accessories are hidden in plain sight, and only accessible from different axis of the box, only to reveal the ultimate immersive experience by fully exploring the secrets The Storyteller has to offer.

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World's best designers, artists and architects.

Good design deserves great recognition. Everyday, we are pleased to feature amazing designers who create original and innovative designs, amazing architecture, stylish fashion and creative graphics. Today, we are presenting you one of the World’s greatest designers. Checkout an award-winning design portfolio today and get your daily design inspiration.

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